Get to Know Coach Joe
What sports did you play growing up?
I tried pretty much everything when I was younger and I still try to play as much as I can today. When I got to high school my main focus was baseball, but that didn't stop me from playing or attempting to play other sports. For example my senior year I played soccer in the fall and tried out for the hockey team in the winter. However, I'm not the greatest skater and I don't know how to go backward so I didn't even make the JV team. After high school, I played baseball for a couple of seasons at Rhodes College.
Favorite Team?
I'm a DC fanboy all the way. I wasn't even born the last time a major DC sports team won a championship, but hopefully, the Nats can make a run at it this year.
Favorite post-workout food?
With my nutrition, I try to focus on eating a balanced diet of real whole foods. Recently I have been obsessed with finding the best tacos in the area. If you have a favorite spot let me know so I can check it out.
Current training goal?
I try to keep my training fun while staying strong and injury free. In September I ran in the DC Spartan Sprint. Those races are so much fun, but I've only ever run the shortest version, so my next goal is to complete the Spartan Super.