Project Athlete

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Get to Know Coach Vic

What sports did you play growing up?

I played a little bit of everything growing up - my first sport was Karate, but I moved on from that after getting my black belt at 12. From there, I played football, basketball, wrestled and ran track in high school, finally continuing on to letter in two of those (football and track) at the Division 1 collegiate level. Now I'm a competitive boxer. 

Favorite Team?

I can't say that I have a favorite team, I'm a lover of all things sports and competition!

Favorite post-workout food?

Post workout I like to eat on the healthier end, typically some sort of meat/veggie combo. On the weekends though, I love a good pepperoni pizza!

Current training goal?

Continue to be an explosive, all around athlete and take my competitive boxing career as far as it can go!