How to Earn a College Scholarship

We asked current and former local collegiate strength coaches, "what advice do you have for a young athlete looking to earn a college scholarship?" Their answers might surprise you.

Mike Hill, Director of Sports Performance at Georgetown University, touched on work ethic. 

"Show up early, focus on the present, and stay late when needed. Work hard at whatever you do."

Sean Foster, Assistant Athletic Director and Head Strength and Conditioning Coach at American University told us,

"Focus on your grades. They are far more important to your recruitment for athletics than you can imagine. Having the talent to earn a scholarship without having good grades is extremely rare. Don't leave any doubt."

Carl Johnson, Head Strength and Conditioning Coach at St. Stephen's St. Agnes and formerly at Georgetown University said,

"Write down exactly what you need to accomplish to earn a scholarship. Make sure your actions match your needs analysis every single day. Example, 'I need to earn a 3.3 GPA.' Everyday I will complete my homework, study for tests, meet with teachers etc."

Their advice in a nutshell? Work hard, focus on your academics, and have a clear vision on how to accomplish your goals. Thanks, coaches for the great advice. Advice that can be applied to all aspects of life. 

We are about to get started with our fall programs, and we don't want you to miss the opportunity to get stronger and faster. We have options for all grade and ability levels. Our Project Athlete classes are 10-weeks long starting September 10th and running through November 18th. Check out the program options:

If you've never tried one of our workouts join us during one of these times to experience what it's like to train like a Project Athlete. 

We cannot wait to get the fall season started! Please reach out to us with any questions.

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